Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Notes on the island of Corsica

These notes on the island of Corsica might come in handy as I am thinking more and more about the asbestos or amianthus rocks and the implications of working with materials that can cause sickness and death. Mesothelioma is one such condition. When a medical condition is pinpointed to a specific object the suffix osis is combined to the object. A medical condition caused by asbestos dust ingestion is called asbestosis. Asbestosis can and often does lead to cancer. Asbestosis related cancer is called mesothelioma.

The island of Corsica is famous for many things. Archeologists have located some artifacts that date human occupation on the Mediterranean island to the neolithic or stone age and that is no surprise considering the geography surrounding Corsica. By chance or by intention people drifted or rowed their way to the Island of Corsica. It is one of the major islands that plays a role in the Greek and Roman empires and the fourth largest island in the Mediterranean sea after Sicily, Sardinia, and Cyprus.

While artifacts are objects made through the skills of humans and tell the story of human involvement, artificial acts of creation are always the product of natural acts of creation. Or simply put, people invent and create with what is available naturally. Corsica is always had a natural abundance of a rock called amianthus. Asbestos is amianthus.

Many travel websites talk of the beauty of the island of Corsica which is today a territory of France. While looking to always draw tourists to a location i imagine online travel article writers always focus on the positive attributes of the location. Corsica is described as the scented isle, and a place where nature loving tourists will always have access to hiking trails that bring the traveler into areas where glacial lakes are hidden in deep forests, or along gorges. Corsica they say is a place where the granite mountains rise from the blue green sea to form mountainous peaks covered by snow caps.

How more romantic can that be. When you aren't hiking in the forests and mountains of Corsica then you are likely resting in parks that look over watchtowers, fortresses, baroque churches, or just the scenic Mediterannean.

Corsica as granite mountains and amianthus or asbestos is abundant where the granite mineral deposits itself. Asbestos plays a major role in the historical development of the island of Corsica.

The less romantic side of the island of Corsica is in the fact that the mining quarry as been shooting asbestos particle dust into the air for thousands of years and some of those particles of asbestos dust have deposited on the lining of the organs of the body of those who inhale asbestos particle dust.

I am sure these notes on the island of Corsica will updated as I learn more about mesothelioma and asbestosis.

Read more....Great things gone wrong. An easy understanding of the evolution of Asbestos use.

Monday, November 2, 2009

words to write about urns

Here are some phrases and words to write about urns.

An urn is one of those containers used to hold the ashes of the dead.

The choice keyword is urn or urns.

Some popular search phrases are cremation urn or memorial urns or burial urn.

For three letter phrases add any of the following words

  • dog cremation urn
  • wood
  • glass
  • bronze
  • custom
My SEO spybot tells me that there are only about 250 thousand search queries monthly on this topic and that the advertiser is willing to pay in the neighbourhood of $1.5 dollars for leads - PPC. Mind you the wrong combination of words will have your article generating a lot of nickel ads also.

There's something to think about as you think up words to write about urns.

Asbestos or Amianthus in the French Alps

Asbestos or Amianthus is often produced naturally during the process of primitive rock decomposition.

Large deposits are found in Tarentaise, Savoy. The asbestos presents itself as filaments that hardly resemble stone. The amianthus is more like a white silk and sits in the fissures of mountains and seems to abound where granite is plentiful.(1) Granite is moderately hard and course and lends itself well to industrial materials such as countertops, flooring tiles, monument stones. Once cut to precision and polished to a fine finish granite becomes a beautiful polished stone.

Working with granite however has implications. One such implication is dust. Particles of granite dust may contain particles of amianthus or asbestos. Asbestos particles are inhaled and are proven to cause a cancer of the mesothelial lining of the organs. The asbestos cancer is called mesothelioma.

Tarentaise, Savoie (Savoy) is a region of Europe found at the western foot of the French Alps.

Note - Further research on this could include statistical facts on asbestos related health problems in the French Alps population...



1. Universal Geography - A description of all parts of the world. p.99


Sunday, November 1, 2009

top bids on keywords

Mesothelioma is a topic that gets top bids on keywords. What is mesothelioma ? Why do lawyers specialize in this particular type of lawsuit ?

Finding out all of this and writing about the following topics might lead to some interesting findings about why online merchants are willing to put top bids on ad placements that revolves around the keyword mesothelioma.

Some phrases to look at in order to gain an understanding

I need mesothelioma information........
Where can I get mesothelioma help ?
I need to know about how lawyers and attorneys deal with mesothelioma lawsuits.
How is this related to the peritoneal area, to the stomach, or the abdominal pleural wall?
What is the relationship between asbestos and mesothelioma cancer?

Having done some major research that can answer the key phrases hidden within those sentences might make it possible to do some copywriting for another article that I might publish online somewhere at a later date.

I do have a nursing background so I am not completely green to this type of medical terminology.

How I like to start these research projects however is by going deep into the root of the keyword.

In this case I am looking at the history of the word mesothelioma.

Research for writing an article about lucid dreams

I had a great dream a few nights ago which got me doing this research for writing an article about lucid dreams. Dreams is not a great keyword to work with if you are looking for adsense clicks especially if you publish your article with an article farm that takes sometimes half of the revenues.

But writing the article is the main goal with earning some money over time being a bonus. So I went off searching for phrases that might correlate with what internet users might key into search engines.

I found the following.

  • my dream 
  • dream of love
  • what my dream mean
Then I started thinking of what other words or concepts might come up to people who reading about my dream and the word hypnosis comes to mind. 

The following phrases on hypnosis are added to my list of potential key phrases

  • hypnosis therapy
  • hypnosis training
  • hypnosis course
So now I'm thinking that a win/win article might introduce my dream and follow up on some hypnosis training methods that teach methods of recreating the dream state. Those who profess that hypnosis therapy as holistic healing potential swear by it. I personally believe in the psychic source.

The psychic source of dreams comes to mind when I think of hypnosis and it's correlation to dreams if  it even has one. 

I know a thing or two about the Akashic record hypothesis so going down that path with my dream article sounds reasonable.

"The psychic source of my dreams" even sounds like a good long phrase title and when i Google that line the google bot puts me up against half a million other pages. So I look up some phrases that go with psychic source and I come up with the following.

  • psychic
  • online psychic
  • psychic mediums
  • psychic readers
  • psychic line
So I have a bunch of keywords, dreams, hypnosis, psychic, and a whole bunch of focus phrases to work with . All that is left to do is bunch it all up into a package that tells the story of my love dream.

Here's a hint of what the reader might expect....

What is worst for the single person....a nightmare or a lucid dream of love? Both leave you nearly traumatized and either running around for hours wondering what might be and what could have been and both are terribly hard to forget.

PS...Focusing on the single person is likely to have the Googlebot throwing dating ads into the page.

A few phrases to consider with single person.

  • dating services
  • online dating sites
A cool line for that might read something like. 

" I was thinking of this dream as though coming from a psychic source from heaven, or maybe it was one of those dating services from hell, the type familiar to singles who use those online dating services".

That's where I'm at with this article. I'll be adding a link to an update when I get it done. If I get it done.

From the archetype word keyword

What are some good phrases to work with starting from the archetype word keyword ?

Writing online articles that makes it to the top of the search engine listing is a competitive business.

If you write an article about keywords used in the SEO game, or search engine optimization contest for position then try using some of these key phrases inside your document.

  • keyword search statistics
  • keyword services
  • keyword software
  • keyword research tool
  • search keywords
  • search engine keywords
  • keyword tools
  • keyword research
  • keyword marketing
  • keyword search tools
Preferably do not use keyword as your keyword as you will likely get buried in the archive. Use a long tail phrase such has "benefits of keyword marketing " and you will lower the competitive field.

However the popularity of this subject is likely to be a tough struggle for any article to find it's way to the top of any search engine unless several webmasters link up to your online article. Therefore writing the best dang article on keyword marketing that you can is imperative in order to impress those webmasters. But that is a truth about every online article that you publish.

Writers are a dime a dozen and with the ease of publishing articles online today writing may be hyped by some as a great way to earn money online but is it.

I recall a story about a person who use to pick berries to earn some extra cash. He was making ok money from his hobby because he had a secret. The secret was a patch full of berries that cast a shadow as far as the eye could see. Unfortunately the secret got out and his fortunes went out the window with the masses that trampled his field of dreams.

A similar story is found in the California Gold Rush story of Marshall and Sutter.

However good writing always can still find a market online or elsewhere so writing with good keywords and phrases in mind is never bad practice.

See an article that I recently wrote on Delirium Tremens and recently after researching the archetype word delirium. I am keeping an eye on that one to see if the search engine bots approve.

Happy writing.