Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Notes on the island of Corsica

These notes on the island of Corsica might come in handy as I am thinking more and more about the asbestos or amianthus rocks and the implications of working with materials that can cause sickness and death. Mesothelioma is one such condition. When a medical condition is pinpointed to a specific object the suffix osis is combined to the object. A medical condition caused by asbestos dust ingestion is called asbestosis. Asbestosis can and often does lead to cancer. Asbestosis related cancer is called mesothelioma.

The island of Corsica is famous for many things. Archeologists have located some artifacts that date human occupation on the Mediterranean island to the neolithic or stone age and that is no surprise considering the geography surrounding Corsica. By chance or by intention people drifted or rowed their way to the Island of Corsica. It is one of the major islands that plays a role in the Greek and Roman empires and the fourth largest island in the Mediterranean sea after Sicily, Sardinia, and Cyprus.

While artifacts are objects made through the skills of humans and tell the story of human involvement, artificial acts of creation are always the product of natural acts of creation. Or simply put, people invent and create with what is available naturally. Corsica is always had a natural abundance of a rock called amianthus. Asbestos is amianthus.

Many travel websites talk of the beauty of the island of Corsica which is today a territory of France. While looking to always draw tourists to a location i imagine online travel article writers always focus on the positive attributes of the location. Corsica is described as the scented isle, and a place where nature loving tourists will always have access to hiking trails that bring the traveler into areas where glacial lakes are hidden in deep forests, or along gorges. Corsica they say is a place where the granite mountains rise from the blue green sea to form mountainous peaks covered by snow caps.

How more romantic can that be. When you aren't hiking in the forests and mountains of Corsica then you are likely resting in parks that look over watchtowers, fortresses, baroque churches, or just the scenic Mediterannean.

Corsica as granite mountains and amianthus or asbestos is abundant where the granite mineral deposits itself. Asbestos plays a major role in the historical development of the island of Corsica.

The less romantic side of the island of Corsica is in the fact that the mining quarry as been shooting asbestos particle dust into the air for thousands of years and some of those particles of asbestos dust have deposited on the lining of the organs of the body of those who inhale asbestos particle dust.

I am sure these notes on the island of Corsica will updated as I learn more about mesothelioma and asbestosis.

Read more....Great things gone wrong. An easy understanding of the evolution of Asbestos use.