Sunday, November 1, 2009

Research for writing an article about lucid dreams

I had a great dream a few nights ago which got me doing this research for writing an article about lucid dreams. Dreams is not a great keyword to work with if you are looking for adsense clicks especially if you publish your article with an article farm that takes sometimes half of the revenues.

But writing the article is the main goal with earning some money over time being a bonus. So I went off searching for phrases that might correlate with what internet users might key into search engines.

I found the following.

  • my dream 
  • dream of love
  • what my dream mean
Then I started thinking of what other words or concepts might come up to people who reading about my dream and the word hypnosis comes to mind. 

The following phrases on hypnosis are added to my list of potential key phrases

  • hypnosis therapy
  • hypnosis training
  • hypnosis course
So now I'm thinking that a win/win article might introduce my dream and follow up on some hypnosis training methods that teach methods of recreating the dream state. Those who profess that hypnosis therapy as holistic healing potential swear by it. I personally believe in the psychic source.

The psychic source of dreams comes to mind when I think of hypnosis and it's correlation to dreams if  it even has one. 

I know a thing or two about the Akashic record hypothesis so going down that path with my dream article sounds reasonable.

"The psychic source of my dreams" even sounds like a good long phrase title and when i Google that line the google bot puts me up against half a million other pages. So I look up some phrases that go with psychic source and I come up with the following.

  • psychic
  • online psychic
  • psychic mediums
  • psychic readers
  • psychic line
So I have a bunch of keywords, dreams, hypnosis, psychic, and a whole bunch of focus phrases to work with . All that is left to do is bunch it all up into a package that tells the story of my love dream.

Here's a hint of what the reader might expect....

What is worst for the single person....a nightmare or a lucid dream of love? Both leave you nearly traumatized and either running around for hours wondering what might be and what could have been and both are terribly hard to forget.

PS...Focusing on the single person is likely to have the Googlebot throwing dating ads into the page.

A few phrases to consider with single person.

  • dating services
  • online dating sites
A cool line for that might read something like. 

" I was thinking of this dream as though coming from a psychic source from heaven, or maybe it was one of those dating services from hell, the type familiar to singles who use those online dating services".

That's where I'm at with this article. I'll be adding a link to an update when I get it done. If I get it done.