Sunday, November 1, 2009

top bids on keywords

Mesothelioma is a topic that gets top bids on keywords. What is mesothelioma ? Why do lawyers specialize in this particular type of lawsuit ?

Finding out all of this and writing about the following topics might lead to some interesting findings about why online merchants are willing to put top bids on ad placements that revolves around the keyword mesothelioma.

Some phrases to look at in order to gain an understanding

I need mesothelioma information........
Where can I get mesothelioma help ?
I need to know about how lawyers and attorneys deal with mesothelioma lawsuits.
How is this related to the peritoneal area, to the stomach, or the abdominal pleural wall?
What is the relationship between asbestos and mesothelioma cancer?

Having done some major research that can answer the key phrases hidden within those sentences might make it possible to do some copywriting for another article that I might publish online somewhere at a later date.

I do have a nursing background so I am not completely green to this type of medical terminology.

How I like to start these research projects however is by going deep into the root of the keyword.

In this case I am looking at the history of the word mesothelioma.