Saturday, October 31, 2009

Doing something about your dependency on alcohol

So you want to write an article called "Doing something about your dependency on alcohol".

Where do you start ? It might help to know what alcoholism is.

So you have to define the question. " What is alcoholism ? "

Then you might want to to give some facts about alcohol abuse and how it affects the mind, the body, and the social life of the alcohol abuse. This fact sheet might include a list of signs and symptoms of alcoholism and another list of symptoms of reconditioning the mind and body to function without alcohol.

Following up with some alcohol treatment methods that have been used either successfully or not in the past might help to direct the reader who may be ready to start doing something about their dependency on alcohol.

A list of alcohol treatment centers or internet direction to websites that can help to prepare a person to take the first step to recovering from this condition which is considered by many health organizations as a disease can be helpful. The disease is called alcoholism and it effects some people regardless of their cultural heritage or their age, or their social status.

Alcohol detox is a very serious issue. Dependency on alcohol is a drug addiction and serious delirium tremens or DT's as most people call this withdrawal sympton is a mental process that sometimes requires professional medical care.

Alcohol rehabilitation is possible and millions of people have found new lives after living with alcohol dependency while denying it as a source of many of their problems.

Having had first hand experience with this subject I know that the alcohol in most cases of alcoholism is just the catalyst for much deeper neurotic or psychotic behaviour.

So maybe an article on "Doing something about your dependency on alcohol" can be helpful to both the writer and the reader.

You can't get better than a win/win situation.

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

Keywords and phrases that mention drug and alcohol rehabilitation are highly competitive. For instance one of my data mining SEO software products tells me that topics surrounding  "drug rehab" are looked up 300 thousand times per month and that key phrases that mention this topic have a CPC of approximately 20 dollars. Why are merchants, in this case mostly drug rehab centers where drug abuse treatment is provided, willing to outbid the competition to get leads.

Leads generate potential clients and clients buy products or services. The drug treatment centers are often funded publicly and they bill the taxpayer each time a client checks in for treatment. The client of an alcohol treatment center or a drug treatment center hardly ever gets a bill at the end of the day but the treatments are as expensive as any other medical condition that requires hospitalization. That is partially based on my opinion but someone is willing to pay top dollars to get leads to the drug rehab center.

Those leads can be found online and the publisher of online articles may generate those leads if the copy finds an audience.

This blog is about helping writers to write better copy by using better keywords and key phrases. Hopefully some of the information on this blog reaches people who are victims of addiction also.

I am not without some experience in this domain of addiction but I will not go into personal details about that. Let us just say that if I write an article about drug rehab that I know first hand some of the key elements that go into rehab programs.

That is not to say that writers who don't have experience in drinking cannot write about it effectively.

So some of the keywords we will look into for this topic are drugs and alcohol.

The key phrases that we focus :

  • alcoholism treatment
  • alcohol rehabilitation
  • drug treatment centers
  • drug and alcohol treatment
  • alcohol treatment programs
  • drug and alcohol rehab
This list could get very long so it will either be added to as time goes on. Maybe each key phrase will be followed up by new key phrases.

Who knows ? One day at a time will do the trick.

robot data miners

Data analysis software is basically robot data miners programmed to enter the archives of a library of knowledge and return with statistics.

This is what data mining software does. 

This technology is advertised as a a data warehouse mining toolkit. An expert computer programmer can likely design a script code that can do either web mining, data mining, or text mining on any document type and within and database warehouse.

The robot data miners, are often called agents, spybots, spiders, etc. When they are programmed properly they return high value statistical information that allows the end user to project a future course of action.

To the person who is looking for better keywords or key phrases a good data analysis software program delivers list of these. These lists of keywords are fresh and they are generated from the social behaviour of internet surfers who use the multiple search engines to find information.

Online merchants use SEO software to try to gain an analytical advantage over the competition. SEO is search engine optimization and it is simply the art of understanding the consumer and the science of finding what the consumer is looking for.

Online writers who look to drive traffic to specific websites use the same keyword and key phrase lists.

Predictive analysis software

What does predictive analysis software do ?

A word processor is an computer program that has analytical capabilities. Each word processor is different than the other. As you write your document in your favorite word processor your are doing data entry work. When you click on the save option the document becomes a set of information and is stored in data sets. Some word processors allow you to find out how many words are written in you document. This is data analysis in a very simple form.

Commercial data analysis software goes much deeper into predictive analysis than does the word processor. Predictive analysis software uses social media databases or private non www based databases and data mines the archives in order to create profiles that are used by merchants, or social scientists, or physicists, mathematicians, and anyone else looking to use past documented information, numerical or text, in order to predict the future course of action of some domain. Data analysis software is analytical software used for processing statistics.

There have been all types of predictive analysis software programmed in the past.

This is just a short list of freeware.

  • LabPlot
  • XML for Analysis SDK
  • Augurium
  • DataLyse
  • EgoNet
  • Origin Webminer
  • Accounting Maths and Computing
  • Lab Chart Reader
  • Indicator Analysis
  • Spatial Analysis Utilities
  • Need for Trade Studio Lite
  • CoCoMiner
  • WinADV
  • a-squared HiJackFree
  • Spear
  • Stockwave basic edition
  • Sound Ruler
  • PlainStatt
  • ITLocusCharting
  • MyIdentityProtector

Where to keep it in the warehouse of information

Data management solves the "where to keep it in the warehouse of information" problem.

Managing information on the world wide web is a very wide topic. Data management is defined by DAMA DMBOK as " the development, execution and supervision of plans, policies, programs and practices that control, protect, deliver and enhance the value of data information assets. "

DAMA is an acronym for Data Management Association.
DMBOK is an acronym for Data Management Body of Knowledge.

See more on data analysis software.

various methods of analyzing information

Data analysis refers to various methods of analyzing information.

Integrating information into sets that represent a concept or an idea or a statement or a function is a process called data integration. Once the integrated data is uploaded and documented in a library then the process of data analysis can begin.

A spider bot or agent robot enters the archive where it visualizes and disseminates information sets, or functions, and highlights those sets that are appropriate to the search query. The spider is coded with algorithms that have parameters, ie. a keyword or phrase is a parameter.

Data analysis can serve to return statistical information. Analyzing information can be used to return statistics of hypothetical situation where the robot approximates the chances of something occuring in the future based on past performance. That is exploratory data analysis. Conformational data analysis is more specific and the query sometimes asks a true of false question or an answer based on a parameters set by another function.

The various methods of analyzing information is sometimes referred to as predictive analytics.

Read about data management and where information documents are kept in the warehouse of knowledge.

Guiding business decision towards a desired goal.

In 1958, IBM's Hans Peter Luhn was working on a new concept of guiding business decision towards a desired goal. The think thank method of improving business models in order stay competitive in the commercial arena wasn't new. Highly educated with marketing skills and knowledge have always played the game of gaining market shares by analyzing consumer trends. The idea of analyzing data by using robots programmed to enter an archive and mine for data in order to return data analytics was in it's infancy however. The world of commerce was entering a new phase of development.

The commercial business paradigm shift model of staying competitive was the business intelligence of data mining which allowed mere mortal humans to interpret sets of information provided by the artificially intelligent information processing machine. In 1958 the computer mainframe was huge and the digital age made the computer compact. Business Intelligence remains a big word in ecommerce and it is simply mind boggling what the quantum atomic memory computers of the future will allow the business people to do with data analytics.

Guiding business decision towards a desired goal means driving the consumer psyche. That can be a good thing or a bad thing.

See more on data analysis.

information that conforms to parameters.

Data quality is information that conforms to parameters.

Information systems are built to analyze data and to return analytics to the user who entered a query into the search engine. Some popular search engines which deal with public domains such as the .com, .net, we all recognize as Google, Yahoo, Bing, and there are hundreds of others. However the www - world wide web is not the unique domain of the commercial or public information seeker. The www archives are also researched by highly guarded private groups who depend on very high quality data entry in order to have high quality returns on their search queries. Hence the password and the private domain.

With high data quality information that conforms to parameters the process of developing business models is rendered more accurate. This business of approaching commerce through analyzing pattern by searching www archives was first approached in the 1950's and took on the key phrase of business intelligence.
Of course ecommerce is not the only player in the game. All types of sciences and even researchers of the paranormal rely on data quality in their approach to understanding and advancing knowledge.

See more on business intelligence and data mining.

Feel like having fun with the word understanding ?

information super highway and mining data

The information super highway and mining data have already come to a point where the average internet user is overwhelmed by the availability of knowledge and the speed which that info is accessible.

What does it mean to be mining data on the information super highway?

A group of statements is considered data. This data is kept in document formats somewhere on the www - world wide web. Some of that data is private while the bulk of that information on the www is commercially available on the internet. Accessing this data requires a robot agent to go into the archives and to return with specific information on a topic. The search engine is run by such a robot and it takes a query from the user and goes mining into all points accessible within the www.

The information super highway and mining data go hand in hand and this data mining for keywords has brought about all types of new services and new ways of conducting business.

See business intelligence data mining.
Care to know the roots of the word domain ?

Next generation of data discovery

Writing about the next generation of data discovery will keep technical article writers searching for information on data mining techniques for as long as the push for faster computers continues.

Writing articles online is open to professionals and amateurs alike. The expert computer scientist already knows the theories that drive data analysis and about the software developed for the purposes of mining data on the world wide web. The amateur writer may need to consult with a data delivery software developer expert in order to write an article on the subject but these experts are all over the internet on different websites so gaining laymen knowledge on the future of data analysis is a matter of researching. Researching is the domain of writers.

Try some of the following sites if you need to update yourself on who is leading the race in quantum computing.

NewScientist - article - Quantum computers are coming: Don't just ask when. - learn about quantum computing

Data mining is about finding information in a large base of knowledge and using this information in the development of business models for the future. We are in the age of digital computing where the speed of mining for data doubles every 3 years or so. But some computer scientists predict that the quantum computing technology of the future will not only changed the business models but they will alter the scientific paradigm that we currently understand. A move from digital computing to atom based computing would be that powerful. The same information can be of great value for a person wanting to write about the fantasy side of computing. The future is only a fantasy until it becomes reality. The future is written as art imitating life and as science fiction. The science fiction documents that are written today will be looked at in years to come as the artifacts of the past. Who knows, if you write fiction about the next generation of data discovery techniques then you may just be looked back upon as a "Jules Verne" or a "H.G. Welles" predictive author.

So here's a list of keywords and phrases to keep in mind if you are looking attract some readers and improve your written documents.

A click on any search phrase or keyword will expand on the subject.

business intelligence data mining
mining data
data mining services and companies
data analysis
data management
data analysis software
data quality

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cost of advertising online

The cost of advertising online is sometimes measured as the CPC, or the PPC. These acronyms represent Cost Per Click and Pay Per Click.

Cost Per Click is used by search engine providers such as Google who encourage both retailers who want to run ads and publishers who choose to run online ads on their websites or blog journals. The cost per click is the amount charged to the retailer each time a published ad generates one lead.  The amount paid by the retailer or online merchant varies with the strength of the keyword being bid on. Yes the cost per click keyword marketing game is played on an auction basis where the highest bidder gets to have the highest placement of an ad in the advertisement slot. This contract does expiry and the word goes back to the auctioneer (the marketing staff of the search engine operators).

Not all keywords are sold this way and CPC is not to be confused with the CPM which stands for Cost Per Thousand Impressions.

Pay Per Click is  more closely associated with CPM where the online retailer chooses to pay a bulk rate for a number of impressions regardless of the click through rate (CTR). This price per click is only a fraction of the CPC but it doesn't guarantee any leads whatsoever.

Cost Per Click is great for merchants when the keywords and key phrases they bid on find very targeted viewers who are likely to hit the ad link.

Pay Per Click on the other hand might be better for a merchant who wants to attract the general internet surfer.

For example a merchant might be willing to bid 3000 dollars to get 1000 leads and if his online ads attract very targeted potential consumers of the product that is being advertised then a single sale of 5000 dollars covers the advertising cost and the merchant makes a profit.

On the other hand a person selling a product for 10 dollars is likely to prefer hitting a mass audience with thousands of impressions. Three thousand dollars might get this merchant 3 hundred thousand impressions. From those 300000 impressions the retailer has to sell 300 items to cover the online advertising cost.

Of course these are raw examples and do not take into consideration the deeper levels of marketing that goes into the business cycle but they are enough to give a general idea of how CPC and PPC are used in calculating the cost of advertising online.

What is CTR ?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Click Through Rate

What is the "click through rate"?

The clickthrough rate is specific to the online merchant who uses services such as Google adwords as part of the online advertising marketing campaign.

The acronym is CTR.

If the retailers ad is shown 1000 times and 100 people click on the ad then the CTR is 10 percent. An ad that is shown once is considered to have gone through 1 impression.

Ads are always in competition against other online advertisements therefore a good clickthrough rate is indicative of a well formed ad which catches the attention of the customer.

Usually a good online ad will start with a strong keyword. For example the word "cancer" might be your keyword of choice. And your Advertisement might look something like:

We have a cure

Such an ad is likely to beat out another advertisement that is less inviting to online surfers such as something like:

Curative Probing
We have you covered

The art of creating Ads that perform well and that get higher than average CTR's is called "keyword optimization".

While the keyword "cancer" is likely to cost more, perhaps much more, than the keywords "curative probing" the merchant might be willing to accept paying the extra premium in order to get more impressions.

The extra dollars paid to the affiliate publishers might be justified if the CTR is high.

Knowing this could help the publisher to gear their online writing towards specific keywords that merchants or retailers are willing to bid higher for.

This is all part of the SEO or search engine optimization online business of advertising.

BTW words and phrases that mention cancer generally go for about $2.50 while the keyword phrase " curative  probing " might auction off for a nickel.

CPC and PPC are other acronyms used by SEO marketing experts.

What is CPC and PPC?

Writing about breast cancer

Here's a list of words to be considered if you are writing about breast cancer.

When people are concerned about breast cancer they go looking for information on chemotherapy, drugs, treatments, alternate medicines, and even things like wigs and hats that can cover up hair loss for those undergoing radiation treatment.

This blog is about writing articles and about finding powerful words that might make the writer some money as an affiliate marketer.

Writing about breast cancer is a sensitive subject but if approached carefully an article mentioning breast cancer treatment, can benefit both the reader and the writer.

So good phrases to use while writing about breast cancer could include any of the following.

  • breast cancer information
  • treatment options for breast cancer
  • metastatic breast cancer
If you focus on those words your article will be content rich.

Those are the types of terms people are likely to type into the search box.

Merchant Advertisers and Online Marketing

Gain a better understanding of the merchant advertisers and online marketing as you read through this article.

The merchant is a retailer who advertises a number of brand products to customers. To sell products the merchant must have customers. So how does the retailer go about getting customers?

Online merchants often use a third party to get clients. This third party in the online marketing game is called the affiliate. The marketing affiliate carries or promotes ads that are parts of the marketing campaign of the retailer.

So we have a chain that goes Online Merchant - Publisher Advertiser - Customer. But wait there is a missing link in this chain. While a merchant could spend big money going around and looking for publisher advertisers that isn't necessary. The missing link between the Online Retailer and the Advertiser is filled by the Affiliate Network.

The Affiliate Network is the middle guy who connects the merchant and the publisher.

Affiliate Network marketing is a method of driving traffic from one website to another.

And that is just the beginning.

We will look deeper into the world of merchant advertisers and online marketing in another article.

Writing articles that connect online merchant retailers to a potential customer is one way of doing affiliate marketing. Look around this blog and you will find others tips and tricks that might help you in becoming a better affiliate marketer.

So you want to write an article about domains

You have a few hours to spare and you want to write an article about domains. The word domain is a hot topic in the world of technology that we live in today. A domain is a web address. The domain name is your unique web address. You buy domain names by subscribing to a web hosting service provider.

That is obvious information that you already are aware of if you are ready to write an online article. But did you know that the word domain when looked up in search engines is mentioned close to half a billion times on the internet.

What does that imply?

Well having your article about domains listed in the search engines is a measure of success. However being listed in position number 300 million is not likely to get you any web traffic. Therefore the little traffic that you do get is likely to come from having online merchants link up to your article at which point you will be able to get readers.

The word domain is a tough sell for an online writer. However merchants who are looking for leads are willing to pay good money for articles that bring traffic to their online business.

How much money will ads that mention domain pay ?

There is no perfect answer to that question as keywords are bid on in auctions where merchants outbid each other in order to get better SEO rankings. The first position is very attractive and can fetch big money in that auction however each keyword auction has a contract expiry date therefore the ad return for the word domain can and does vary.

Words and phrases that revolve around the keyword domain, such as " buy domain names ", " domain name registration " and others generally sell at SEO auctions for an average of 8 dollars.

So you want to write an article about domains. I say go ahead and impress the search engine robots and the internet business merchants by using great words and phrases that pull up better ads.

This is only advice and is not meant to sell a get rich, make money at home in your dreams, scheme.

Saying it right.

Words are a gift that allow us to communicate. Saying it right is often a matter of choosing the right words. Writing articles is often advertised as a method of earning more money from home and sometimes the ads stop short of telling you that online writing can be detrimental to your mental health.

I say that earnestly since I know by experience that writing is an art that can be very enjoyable. The writer may be trying to entertain an audience or trying to inform and educate an audience. The internet has opened up the doors to a breed of writers, article writers, who educate and inform the public.

There is no need for a college journalism degree to write articles online. Anyone who wants to practice putting words together can become a published journalist.

There is both good and bad about that.

The bad part is that the internet is very competitive for the writer and plenty of wannabes abuse words in an attempt to cash in on the ad money that can be made by writing articles online. The good part is that if the process of writing articles and publishing them on blogs or websites is approached as an art and a science then the result can be lucrative both mentally and financially.

Ads are published on blogs and websites by merchants who are looking to sell a product or service to the public. To get web traffic to the merchant site they look for leads and those leads sometimes come from online article writers. Saying it right in your article may just bring up an ad that is sponsored by one of these merchants.

Saying it right about a certain topic and by using the right keyword or key phrases can mean the difference between making money by playing the SEO game or just writing online for entertainment. Sometimes it is simply a matter of writing less and saying more. A good article might find it's way to a merchant or an online business that will respect the piece enough to link up to it and by having others link up to your article is not only good for your self respect it can also be good for your web presence and your bottom line.

Keywords and phrases for online writers is what this blog is about.

The written word can be a powerful motivator. Entire ideologies are based on the ability of writers to write effectively.

If you are looking for high paying keywords that will make your articles pull up better paying ads then have a look around this site.

You may just be surprised at the end results. Saying it right is about using the right words or phrases. The meaning of the article is the same and every article you write is either a reinforcement to knowledge you already possess or it a piece written from having researched a topic that interests you.

So go ahead and start saying it right by starting to write online. It's a process of learning from practicing the art and science of writing those words which are a gift to begin with.