Wednesday, October 28, 2009

So you want to write an article about domains

You have a few hours to spare and you want to write an article about domains. The word domain is a hot topic in the world of technology that we live in today. A domain is a web address. The domain name is your unique web address. You buy domain names by subscribing to a web hosting service provider.

That is obvious information that you already are aware of if you are ready to write an online article. But did you know that the word domain when looked up in search engines is mentioned close to half a billion times on the internet.

What does that imply?

Well having your article about domains listed in the search engines is a measure of success. However being listed in position number 300 million is not likely to get you any web traffic. Therefore the little traffic that you do get is likely to come from having online merchants link up to your article at which point you will be able to get readers.

The word domain is a tough sell for an online writer. However merchants who are looking for leads are willing to pay good money for articles that bring traffic to their online business.

How much money will ads that mention domain pay ?

There is no perfect answer to that question as keywords are bid on in auctions where merchants outbid each other in order to get better SEO rankings. The first position is very attractive and can fetch big money in that auction however each keyword auction has a contract expiry date therefore the ad return for the word domain can and does vary.

Words and phrases that revolve around the keyword domain, such as " buy domain names ", " domain name registration " and others generally sell at SEO auctions for an average of 8 dollars.

So you want to write an article about domains. I say go ahead and impress the search engine robots and the internet business merchants by using great words and phrases that pull up better ads.

This is only advice and is not meant to sell a get rich, make money at home in your dreams, scheme.