Saturday, October 31, 2009

Next generation of data discovery

Writing about the next generation of data discovery will keep technical article writers searching for information on data mining techniques for as long as the push for faster computers continues.

Writing articles online is open to professionals and amateurs alike. The expert computer scientist already knows the theories that drive data analysis and about the software developed for the purposes of mining data on the world wide web. The amateur writer may need to consult with a data delivery software developer expert in order to write an article on the subject but these experts are all over the internet on different websites so gaining laymen knowledge on the future of data analysis is a matter of researching. Researching is the domain of writers.

Try some of the following sites if you need to update yourself on who is leading the race in quantum computing.

NewScientist - article - Quantum computers are coming: Don't just ask when. - learn about quantum computing

Data mining is about finding information in a large base of knowledge and using this information in the development of business models for the future. We are in the age of digital computing where the speed of mining for data doubles every 3 years or so. But some computer scientists predict that the quantum computing technology of the future will not only changed the business models but they will alter the scientific paradigm that we currently understand. A move from digital computing to atom based computing would be that powerful. The same information can be of great value for a person wanting to write about the fantasy side of computing. The future is only a fantasy until it becomes reality. The future is written as art imitating life and as science fiction. The science fiction documents that are written today will be looked at in years to come as the artifacts of the past. Who knows, if you write fiction about the next generation of data discovery techniques then you may just be looked back upon as a "Jules Verne" or a "H.G. Welles" predictive author.

So here's a list of keywords and phrases to keep in mind if you are looking attract some readers and improve your written documents.

A click on any search phrase or keyword will expand on the subject.

business intelligence data mining
mining data
data mining services and companies
data analysis
data management
data analysis software
data quality