Saturday, October 31, 2009

Guiding business decision towards a desired goal.

In 1958, IBM's Hans Peter Luhn was working on a new concept of guiding business decision towards a desired goal. The think thank method of improving business models in order stay competitive in the commercial arena wasn't new. Highly educated with marketing skills and knowledge have always played the game of gaining market shares by analyzing consumer trends. The idea of analyzing data by using robots programmed to enter an archive and mine for data in order to return data analytics was in it's infancy however. The world of commerce was entering a new phase of development.

The commercial business paradigm shift model of staying competitive was the business intelligence of data mining which allowed mere mortal humans to interpret sets of information provided by the artificially intelligent information processing machine. In 1958 the computer mainframe was huge and the digital age made the computer compact. Business Intelligence remains a big word in ecommerce and it is simply mind boggling what the quantum atomic memory computers of the future will allow the business people to do with data analytics.

Guiding business decision towards a desired goal means driving the consumer psyche. That can be a good thing or a bad thing.

See more on data analysis.